Roadside Assistance 24 hrs.

Our Roadside Assistance Service will make you feel safe throughout your journey. We are ready to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just give us a call! 02-214-2526

24 Hour Roadside Assistance
1. Slide-On Service

We are ready to serve you no matter where you are. If your vehicle has broken down, call us at 02-214-2526 and we will promptly dispatch a ‘Slide-On’ vehicle to assist you. Your vehicle will be towed to the nearest Authorized Volkswagen Service Workshop.

2. On-Site Service

We also provide ‘On-Site” service! Our team of skilled technicians are ready to help you where ever you are. Just give us a call at 02-214-2526 and explain the issue/problem and we will promptly send a team out to assist you.

Remarks :

All costs and expenses will be declared before service is done.